- Can autism spread Autism does not spread like a disease. It has a genetic component, so it can be inherited.
- How does Autism Speaks help autism It brings awareness to the community that this is a growing issue in our society. It provides resources for families to find providers for their children to get the treatment they need to make...
- Can two people with autism have a child with autism Yes. In fact, it is much more likely, because autism is genetic. My parents are both autistic; they had three daughters, and two of the three of us are autistic.
- Do others with autism like people with autism Anything is possible and does not have to be that way. That is just saying if one person likes another; it doesn't matter if two people have similar conditions. They are both human. It is possible...
- What is the rate that Ebola spreads How quickly does is spread Ebola virus kills so quickly that it rapidly runs out of people to infect. (isabelle says) Symptoms present as quickly as 24-72 hours from time of exposure, and death can occur as quickly as 1-7 days...
Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_is_autism_spread#ixzz1kobXiMAU